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November 29, 2003
Help the Poor Struggler: Lightweight RSS Posting?
See Dan Gillmor's request, as he experiments with "headline news" via a Handspring Treo 600: "My blogging software doesn't give me an easy way to make a quick posting into just those two fields [title and entry], with an extremely low-bandwidth page that's easily readable on the handheld." He also wants a quick way to add a photo grabbed by the same handheld. Smells like a Movable Type plugin to me. This kind of headline posting would be a natural application for libraries (imagine "this week's new mysteries" or "program cancelled due to snow").
Part of the joy of RSS: all those little notices eventually (often quickly) go away. Part of my concern: I'm just waiting for someone to figure out how to hork up RSS the way sp*m horked up e-mail.
Posted by kgs at November 29, 2003 11:06 AM
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