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November 28, 2003
Librarians Want to Know...
Had Thanksgiving with a large group of librarians, and we finally focused on one key reference question: can anyone prove or disprove the story that Lynn Cheney wrote lesbian pulp fiction?
(Not that there's anything wrong with that...)
Posted by kgs at November 28, 2003 10:11 PM
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What's proven:
Lynne V. Cheney, wife of Vice-President Richard Cheney, wrote a book that was published in 1981 called Sisters. ISBN: 0451112040
According to OCLC, only 3 libraries in CA have it. Slate noted a bit of controversy over it: http://www.slate.msn.com/id/1007047
A small mention on PlanetOut: http://www.planetout.com/pno/news/feature.html?sernum=145
And there was a NY Times article on the book:
"Elaine Showalter, an English professor at Princeton University, was browsing a used-book stall in Paris in the early 1990's when she came upon an astonishing find: an Old West romance, replete with whorehouses, lesbian affairs and attempted rapes, written by an author whose name was all too familiar to academics in the humanities."
Bold Themes in a Lynne Cheney Novel
September 27, 2000, Wednesday,
Section A; Page 19; National Desk
She's not exactly a secret lesbian pulp writer, though ...
Posted by: Eli at December 7, 2003 08:29 PM
For a picture of the "Sisters" cover and some excerpts, see this link http://whitehouse.org/administration/sisters.asp
Posted by: Sis at March 18, 2004 11:34 AM