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December 25, 2003
Santa Brought Me RSS E-list Tracking
I have a goal that I want to use RSS for anything I don't reply to. Bloglines has added a terrific new feature called "Manage Email Subscriptions" that brings me closer to this goal by adding the capability to track e-mail discussion lists by RSS, bringing us a giant step closer to taming the e-mail monster.
Through Bloglines, you create special (and spam-resistant) e-mail addresses tied to your Bloglines account, then use these addresses to subscribe to discussion lists. "You can create an unlimited number of special Bloglines email addresses that are tied to your Bloglines account. The email addresses show up as subscriptions in your My Blogs page, and email sent to those email addresses appears as new items."
Winged Pig notes that Bloglines will soon add the ability to reply to Bloglines e-mail messages. That's great, but just tracking the lists through RSS will be a bountiful addition to the Bloglines capabilities. God bless us everyone!
Posted by kgs at December 25, 2003 08:21 PM
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