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January 21, 2004

LII New This Week via RSS

I try to keep Free Range Librarian very, very separate from my work life (notwithstanding my tendency to draft posts in between finishing sections of long projects, as I did today--sort of like tossing a sardine to a seal). However, I can't resist noting that Librarians' Index to the Internet now offers a native RSS feed, plus a tutorial for using RSS feeds for the first time. See:


Kudos to Jon and Bill for their quite clever coding. I've done one post to Web4Lib, with great results, and expand the announcement tomorrow.

And if you're in (or merely interested in) Washington State, You Read It First Here: here's extra stuff every week, just for you Evergreen Peeps, at http://lii.org/wsl.rss

Posted by kgs at January 21, 2004 03:03 PM

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Not a comment about this post, but...

Funny thing. By writing a brief, clear, non-judgemental, non-hype item about how to try out RSS via Bloglines, and by not surrounding it with stuff about how everyone should really be using RSS for everything, you convinced me to try it.

I don't see RSS as a universal solution, for me, but yep, I am now using Bloglines for some of the weblogs I follow--particularly those that aren't updated every day and either don't allow comments or where I'm unlikely to comment.

So, good work: You got the old curmudgeon to try a new technology, mostly by not overselling it.
(And I'd already highlighted your "RSS for dummies" post in Cites & Insights.)

Posted by: Walt Crawford at January 27, 2004 09:11 AM