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February 08, 2004
Two New Library Blogs of Note
I waited until I was sure these blogs were sustainable. I highly recommend both Librarian in Black and Tame the Web.
Librarian in Black: http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/
Normally, I would run fast and far from a blog by a "Self-proclaimed Techie Gamer Librarian Chick." From what I can tell, "chick" is usually a synonym for "allergic to grammar." However, "techy librarian" Sarah Houghton not only gleans the best of the best of technology news--she can really write, and her observations are insightful and amusing, with a soupcon of edginess I find very appealing.
Michael Stephens, author of Tame the Web, at http://homepage.mac.com/mstephens7/B143020931/index.html, has a mellower, more pedagogical view of life. His blog is worth tracking for the concise snippets of Web-life he captures; who else would give me a one-paragraph synopsis of Googleblatting?
Posted by kgs at February 8, 2004 06:54 PM
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Michael's has been "sustained" since March 2003. Not new to many and a must grab in my aggregator, if not yours.
Posted by: Steven M. Cohen at February 9, 2004 07:41 AM
But Steven... that's less than a year. I like his blog, but I wouldn't assume a personal blog is stable until I had tracked it a while.
Posted by: K.G. Schneider at February 9, 2004 09:54 AM
Well, your argument begs the question: If it took almost a year to determine that Michael was a committed blogger (assuming that's what you meant by sustainable), how can LiB be pronounced sustainable after only six weeks?
I think your accolades are deserved in both cases. But given the unbelievable rate of initiation/attrition in the "biblioblogoshere," Michael would almost be considered "old skool."
Anyway, my unsolicited two cents...
Posted by: Greg at February 10, 2004 10:02 PM
No, my measurement didn't start when Michael started the blog. My measurement started when I found the blog, and watched it for a while to ensure that it was--at this point--viable, interesting, well-written, and that Michael wasn't getting ready to go somewhere else. In Sarah's case, I had some initial reservations primarily because she was posting so much every day, but from knowing her, I believe she'll continue.
My ten cents,
Posted by: K.G. Schneider at February 11, 2004 08:13 AM