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November 15, 2003

Rock the (Barbie) Vote!

Barbie.com's career choices are now down to three choices:

A Librarian
An architect
A policewoman

Get on that site and tell Mattel--Barbie is born for librarianship!

Posted by kgs at November 15, 2003 05:26 PM

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Just voted. We're ahead 92% to 3% to 3%. Obviously Barbie doesn't quite understand percentages. Maybe once she's a librarian she will know to look in those 510s for a refresher.

Posted by: Ruth Ellen Seid at November 17, 2003 07:54 PM

I just voted and the result percentages were the samme. As for understanding percentages "Math is hard."

Posted by: Steph at November 18, 2003 12:53 PM