I'm in this maelstrom of migration and upgrade activity... moving the MPOW software to a new host, working with new people, planning new capabilities, cutting new contracts, etc. Plus it's the end of the fiscal year, meaning every single nickle must be spent, not more or less, by June 30 (or, in fiscalspeak, "encumbered"--I have to formally commit to spend it on something, and by early August, no less).
So this is a month of adroit last-minute decisions and purchases, flying paperwork, and intense discussions with long-term repercussions.
With all that going on, I keep sniffing and pawing the Movable Type 2.661 upgrade. It's not that much, I know, and I have really good supplemental directions written by a gent who also uses Dreamhost for hosting his site.
But I go back to Keegan's history of World War II, happy to retreat into the Battle of Britain. Grisly combat--my pink blanky for this month!
Little did I know that based on my last post, people were watching this blog waiting for an Announcement regarding, well, me. I'm not going anywhere; I've got way too much going on right now at My Place Of Work (MPOW). If I tried to leave, my board would hunt me down and bring me back.
I won't be here forever, but this has already outlasted every other library job I've had, and I'm still not bored. Plus I'm starting an MFA, my roses are just starting to get really established, I just spent way too much on electrical improvements to our condo (including a Hunter Original that whirls and whirls so beautifully!).
Note: Sandy's job ends in June, and if she can't find a job around here, we'll have to go where she does find work (she's a minister in the United Church of Christ, currently wrapping up a position as an interim pastor). But no Plans are Afoot.
The Blessed Event I was mumbling about has to do with upgrades and whatnot. (To software, not humans. I'm not much for using blogs to share the details of my latest dental work.) When we've done the requisite amount of paper-pushing and flurrying of paperwork here and there, you'll know more.
And meanwhile, I'm posting this from Starbucks via my MPOW corporate T-Mobile account. Nice. With my Dell X300 and that service, I'm only a Vente Non-fat Latte away from an afternoon of untethered work.