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May 18, 2004
Patriot Act Presentation
(Note: updated with slightly modified version.) I'm giving a talk about the Patriot Act, and I'm uploading this Powerpoint so I have a place for it in case my flash drive falls out of my pocket on the way to San Diego. This is California-oriented, but if you find it useful, just drop me a note and you can adapt it for local use.
Posted by kgs at May 18, 2004 10:46 PM
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This is on slide 11:
"Libraries formally or informally contacted that did not comply with the FBI’s requests: somewhere between 80% - 150%"
I don't get it...
Posted by: Cary Gordon at May 19, 2004 09:39 AM
that's because it doesn't really make sense unless you know that the survey software had a skip-logic bug that allowed users to answer "no" to whether or not they had visits and then go on to answer a question whether they had complied with the FBI...
Posted by: kgs at May 19, 2004 10:47 PM