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March 31, 2004

To Treo, Or Not To Treo?

I appeal to your collective wisdom.

My dear old ridiculously outdated Visor Deluxe, purchased the first month these became available, had some badly-timed "senior moments" this past couple of weeks, and I'm realizing that though I'm very attached to it, it's time to look for something better. I'm tempted to get a Treo 600, and the only thing holding me back is my concern that as soon as the new one arrives, PalmOne will announce a new version. (I rationalized the cost by reminding myself that I've skipped at least 2 PDA generations by holding on to Old Faithful.)

Aside from industry info, are there predictable patterns for the release of new versions of equipment? Such as, never on Good Friday, at least every six months, after X sales?

I may just get it anyway, and appease myself, since I'm so good at rationalizing, by noting that PalmOne had a nice discount for people who upgraded.

I've played with one and shopped around, and I do feel this is the right match. (A new PDA every five years, I say, whether I need one or not...)

Posted by kgs at March 31, 2004 08:07 PM

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Oh, wow. I though I was the only one who still had my Visor Deluxe (albeit a year newer than yours.) Keep us updated on how you like the Treo. I suspect I'll be in the market for a new PDA soon.

Posted by: Ruth at April 1, 2004 09:12 AM

I'd wait just a little longer: http://www.shellen.com/jason/archives/2004_04_01_default.asp#108077178174017695 . Hopefully I'll be able to upgrade for a decent price!

Posted by: Jenny Levine at April 1, 2004 01:01 PM