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May 05, 2004
Do You Grow Roses?
I'm chilling out, post-LSTA. (Almost. Last night I dreamed I had left out a crucial section of the grant, where I should have described how we bus children around Albuquerque, with a continuation plan for supporting this deliverable after the grant period. The grant I submitted supports a Web site--no driving, no cars, and in California, not New Mexico--so go figure. I'm sure it has to do with the upcoming anniversary of the decision for Brown v. Board of Ed.)
Anyway, I have a Gallery installation up and running, and started a photo album for it: http://bluehighways.com/gallery/roses If you read this blog and grow roses, and you'd like to contribute garden pictures, drop me a note or comment on this entry.
Posted by kgs at May 5, 2004 07:36 AM
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