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May 30, 2004
I Finally Said It
I've heard the same comment five or six times at the Starbucks on Pacific Street in Santa Cruz, each time from a different barrista.
"Five bucks? That's a lot for a newspaper!"
Today, instead of smiling weakly and obediently proceeding to the dark corner near the bathroom where we wait for our caffeine, I replied, "Three dollars is a lot for a cup of coffee. And the Sunday New York Times lasts all day."
Then tipped, smiled, and proceeded to the dark corner.
Posted by kgs at May 30, 2004 09:14 AM
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"well, it's cheap compared to the price of staying ignorant!"
Posted by: jessamyn at May 30, 2004 12:12 PM
A comment to the claims made in the February 24, 2004 comnent on March 1, 2004
Posted by: dsaklad@zurich.csail.mit.edu at June 1, 2004 12:19 AM
That's why I read my Sunday NY Times at the Public Library! (too bad they're still in the '90s and won't let me bring in my coffee)
Posted by: Christina at June 1, 2004 10:27 AM