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May 18, 2004
How I'm Using MT
Thanks to Liz Lawley's MamaMusings, I caught that Mena at Six Apart is looking for people to tell them how they use Movable Type; see http://www.sixapart.com/log/2004/05/how_are_you_usi.shtml
I just counted, and I have 9 blogs, but only five are really active. I use one blog to host my main site, Blue Highways. It seemed like an easy way to have a main Web page. Then I have the blog for Free Range Librarian, where I do my daily gabbing; another blog for freadom.info, a free-expression blog I set up with some friends for an ad hoc project related to Cuban dissidents; one for a committee I chaired until recently (and I plan to decommission it shortly); and several test blogs of one kind or another, including one that is a very early test site for where Free Range Librarian will move when I roll out its new design and fancy new domain.
I have several abandoned blogs that I really should delete. I also set up a blog for my friend Fred, who is a retired trial lawyer; Fred likes to review movies and chat about our neighborhood. It was easier than trying to explain TypePad. However, I could nudge Fred to TypePad, if need be.
None of my current blogs have more than two authors.
Assuming I get Fred moved to TypePad, my only need beyond my current blogs is to be able to test blogs. I think it's important that above any license agreement, we can create fully valid test blogs that we can use to test CSS and coding. In fact, if Six Apart is thinking about what a test blog should be like, it would be nice if a test blog would have an "inactive" feed so that our too-alert public would not pick up on the test blog's existence. I don't really like to make sausage in public.
I had noted early on that the MT licensing agreement worked fine for me. Although I wasn't a respondent for the Six Apart survey, it sounds as if I represent the group that provided the tragically misleading information for Six Apart. Still, although I fit pretty well into the low-end-user prototype, I'm still topping out at around five blogs, give or take, not including test blogs.
Posted by kgs at May 18, 2004 11:25 PM
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