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April 13, 2004
Name That Rose!
Thanks to the Rose Database, I am fairly sure this isn't William Shakespeare (although it comes very close). This plant has medium-large fully-double, damask-scented blooms in eye-popping dark pink on a small plant with foliage not much larger than a Susan B. coin. I'd say the blooms are big for the plant, which I am estimating will get to be about 3 x 3 this year. (It was in a terrible location last year, and never budded, let alone bloomed--I almost threw it out, but when I moved Double Delight, I had room for this fellow, and decided to give it a month in a sunnier spot with more room for its feet. Four weeks later, it's covered with buds.)
Posted by kgs at April 13, 2004 12:16 PM
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Perhaps a picture of the bush itself, and another closeup of the buds?
Posted by: Michael at April 13, 2004 02:09 PM