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March 02, 2004

RFID Forum, SFPL, 3/4/04

San Francisco Public Library is having a public forum on RFID this Thursday, March 4 (yes--my nuptial eve) from 6-7:30 p.m. This promises to be an interesting discussion. See: http://sfpl.org/news/events.htm

Posted by kgs at March 2, 2004 11:43 PM

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123 says:

Posted by: 123 at March 5, 2004 11:12 AM

123 says: There isn't anything mentioned about privacy in the publicity. How come?

Posted by: 123 at March 5, 2004 11:14 AM

RFID is our topic.
Weclome my friends researching RFID.
Grade to meet you all.

Posted by: crazysnail at March 22, 2004 09:50 PM

For the past 12 years, Gordon Cook has written about every aspect of the commercial Internet. Detailed interviews with the leaders of the field have given him a body of knowledge of unique breadth and depth. Gordon has used that broad knowledge to develop a complete analysis of the commercial, political, economic, system and technical issues surrounding the broad introduction of RFID technology into the Global Economy.

His research has resulted in an exhaustive examination of the technology, architecture, and business strategy of RFID, in inventory management and, much more importantly, in the supply chain. He examines the Auto-ID, EPCglobal VeriSign Alliance to create "wireless" bar codes. He explains why this will have little impact unless and until it is well integrated into a wide range of corporate ERP systems. He describes why some companies that use web services, RosettaNet and appropriate supply chain software don't have any ROI yet for using RFID. Finally he looks in great detail at a very innovative and comprehensive service grid approach where goods may be tracked with mobile agent software from manufacture to point of sale.

An extract from the report and the full contents list can be found on my web site - RFID Exchange.


Steve Heap
RFID Exchange

Posted by: Steve H at March 25, 2004 06:00 PM

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